Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Prepbrainer

The Private Policy of Prepbrainer has been structured in order to allow you understand exactly which information are collected regarding your online browsing and why, along with the way to see/receive that information or/and proceed to its permanent deletion.
The current Private Policy of has been structured in order to allow you understand exactly which information are collected regarding your online presence.

Users privacy and Protection of Data

The continuous data streaming is now a daily routine! However, data collection and processing must take place only if considered necessary and legal.
In accordance to the relevant legislation and the code of conduct that governs our company, Prepbrainer we commit ourselves that we will not sell, rent, distribute or publish in any way your personal information.

Relevant Legislation

Alongside with the internal installed systems, our website has been designed in a way that is complied with the national, European and international legislation, as far as data protection and users private life is concerned. At the same time, our company is committed to proceed in any further compliance and adjustment of the website in case of subsequent alteration of the legislation.

The relevant legislation which we refer above to, is the following:

  • EU Data Protection Directive 95/461995 (DPD)
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)
  • Ν.2472/1997 Protection of individual from Personal Data Processing

What kind of information do we collect?

We collect information that help us upgrade the services that we provide to you! The data we collect are used exclusively for the services you may request from us and, under no circumstances, are they shared with third parties.

Thus, our website collects Cookies and, in particular cases only, IP addresses, without collecting, editing or saving personal data concerning their usage.

Additionally, every time you fill out an interest declaration form on our website, we collect information which we handle as personal data. We perceive as personal data every kind of data you declare which may lead to identify you as individual, such as your name, your e-mail and your cell phone number.

How do we collect personal data?

In an initial stage, when you submit your data to a form of interest through our website in order to request our services, we receive them via email.

More specifically, this message is sent via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). SMTP servers are protected by a TLS or SSL certificate, which means that the email content is encrypted before forwarded over the Internet. Only in a later stage, the content is decrypted by local computers and local devices.

The collected data is stored in our site’s database. Through the aforementioned procedure, we are able to carry out some of our (corporate) processes – for example, saving your data in the event that the email cannot be received through the SMTP server.

Furthermore, when you choose to receive our newsletter in your email inbox, your email address is stored on our site, retrieved via email, and promoted to MailChimp, which provides our company with email marketing services.

Your email address remains in the MailChimp database for as long as we continue to use its services or until you explicitly request your removal from our mailing list. Kindly be informed that as long as your email address remains in the MailChimp database, you will receive periodic email updates from us.

If you are under the age of 16, you must obtain the consent of your parents before signing up for our Newsletter.

We consider MailChimp to be a third-party data processor.

How do we use personal data?

We make optimum use of the data we collect through the above described way, such as your email address and your mobile phone number, in order to achieve a better and more direct interaction with you!

Since we aim to your satisfaction, we request for your consent to process your information for specific purposes. We hereby kindly inform you that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

How do we protect your data?

Our website uses an SSL certificate. SSL guarantees a secure connection between the server hosting our website and the browser you are using. Every data transferred (files, personal information, etc.) to and from our website is encrypted, render it impossible for any third party either to access it without the required authorization or to intercept it.

We are committed to successfully protect your personal data from the very first moment that they are received through our website. However, in the extreme case that we are aware of the existence of a security breach, we will notify you on time, in order to take the necessary protection measures.

Lastly, we retain your personal data only for the time required to meet the purpose for which we have collected it.

Send / Delete personal data

If you do not wish to receive our newsletters via email, you can use the unsubscribe link that is included in all the newsletters we send to your email.

In case you wish to be informed and receive your data that we retain as registered in our company database, you may send an email to with subject «PERSONAL DATA DISPLAY REQUEST».

If you wish to permanently delete your data from our company database, you may send an email to with subject «PERSONAL DATA DELETION REQUEST».

Data breaches

Any breach of the database of this website or of the third-party data processor database (if it is disclosed to us), which implies that personal data stored in an identifiable form have been stolen, will be notified to all directly interested parties in a timely manner. At the same time, it will be notified to the competent authorities within 72 hours of the occurred violation.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may be periodically changed in order to be constantly complied with the legal framework and the relevant developments in the ​​personal data protection sector, since it has been created on the basis of the current legislation. Customers and users of this site will not be informed in the form of notification of the above mentioned modifications.

For this reason, we recommend frequent review of this page, in order to stay informed regarding any additions or modifications of our private policy, which shall always be legitimate, as described above.

Third Party Tools

The present website cooperates with third parties that provide us with the necessary tools for processing the collected personal data. These third parties are carefully selected and fully complied with the relevant legislation.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track the interaction of our users with our site. The provided data are used in order to define the number of people using our site, to understand in depth how users find our website and navigate throughout it.

Google Analytics records data such as your geographic location, your computer, your web browser, and your operating system. None of these, however, is considered as personal data.

Additionally, Google Analytics records your computer’s IP address, which could be used to identify you. However, we do not have access to this information.

Google (Privacy Policy)


Cookies Policy – Prepbrainer

Always respecting your privacy, we have designed our website to collect only the necessary data for its easy operation. The main purpose of using cookies on our behalf is to ensure that our visitors will have a high quality navigation experience.

Cookies are not viruses or code parts, as they are not multiplied or spread over other networks.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, transmitted by the website that you are visiting, and they are stored by the browser operating on your device (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile, etc.). Cookies provide information about your online navigation to our website, such as previously visited websites.

Cookies are not viruses or code parts, as they are not multiplied or spread over other networks.

Why are cookies necessary?

Cookies are considered essential for your flawless and secure online experience! Websites consider your acceptation of use of cookies essential for their proper operation in order that you are able to make use of their services- such as having access to shopping basket, for example.

In addition, cookies make it easy for you to navigate by allowing each website to recognize your device and customize its content (password, language, font size, etc.) in order that you do not have to enter your preferences each time.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for the sole purpose of securing and upgrading the navigation experience of our visitors through our site. Some of the cookies used by our website are about how you access it and the electronic communication formats.

Kindly be informed that it is technically unfeasible to provide in advance the option to enable or disable the use of cookies on our site. By using our site, you have given your consent to the use of cookies by us.

In any case, if you wish, you can modify your browser settings to greatly restrict the use of cookies from any site. More information about the general use of cookies as well as how to restrict or block them may be found at

Why do we use cookies?

As mentioned above, our website uses only those cookies that are deemed as necessary for its easy operation, as well as for the improvement of our services and our visitors’ experience. For this reason, we fully comply with the European Commission’s rules on the proper use of cookies (Cookies Policy), based on existing legislation (

More specifically, our site uses cookies that support the following actions of ours: personalizing content and advertising, providing social media features, as well as analyzing the number of visitors and the performance of the advertising campaigns.

Which cookies do we use?

Certain cookies are required to provide the online services of our website. In particular, our website uses the following cookies:

  • wp-settings-1
  • wordpress_sec_7e98012ca601e778d4ac9cdadf22c168
  • cookie_notice_accepted
  • wordpress_logged_in_7e98012ca601e778d4ac9cdadf22c168
  • wordpress_test_cookie
  • wp-settings-time-1

Changes to our Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy may be periodically changed in order to be constantly complied with the legal framework and the relevant developments in the ​​personal data protection sector, since it has been created on the basis of the current legislation. For this reason, we recommend frequent review of this page, in order to stay informed regarding any additions or modifications of our private policy, which shall always be legitimate, as described above.

More information regarding your personal data protection, you may find at the Private Policy, applied by our company.